Friday Funstack I
Being a major computer nerd, I thought that I'd take a break from politics and give my opinion on something that bugs the crap out of me: Comic Sans MS.
That's right, a font. For those not familiar, here's a sample:I hate this damn font. It's not quite right for comic books, but too cute for anything else. Furthermore, it's overused. It was overused the first time it was used. On products, business signs, documents, computer programs, even MySpace...Comic Sans MS is everywhere. The only reason that it's around is probably because President Bush writes his memos in it before Cheney proofreads them for spelling and grammatical errors.
It needs to die and never be resurrected again.
I am not the only one who thinks this way. Yes, there is an entire site devoted to banning the ubiquitous typeface. Head on over to Ban Comic Sans and support the movement to off this typeface.
Macs have an equivalent called Chalkboard that is even worse because it's a derivative of a crappy font. Chalkboard is the Arial to Comic Sans' Helvetica. It should die twice and be drawn and quartered.
I feel dirty comparing Comic Sans to Helvetica, but I know designers' hatred for Arial, so you get the idea.
So ban Comic Sans, and punch anyone over the age of 18 using it for any important document or website design.
That's it for now. I'm off to add signatures to the bottoms of my earlier posts.
~ Deep Blue
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